Day-41 Homeward bound .. Oregon Trail
Bye .. Mountain Home, Idaho! Thanks for having accommodations. Just like you did for the Oregon Trail Pioneers. I forgot to mention yesterday that while driving in those high altitudes of Wyoming it was 13-degrees! Starting out this morning .. it was a 'balmy' 22 !! Not quite Captiva-like. :( This last post needs a few driving and mural pics. Clear skies for the first part of the drive into Eastern Oregon : And, of course, we need some history information. and, from an emigrant's (Esther Belle .. ) perspective : another driving pic, looking towards the valley where Baker City is, .. the Blue Mountains : and, thankfully - TODAY! .. the elevation sign I passed on the road today said ...4,193 feet yaaayyyy! Thought I'd take the Pendleton exit and explore. Pendleton Round-Up & Pendleton Woolen...